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< rdf:RDF >
< rdf:Description rdf:about="8842" >
< dc:title >State v. Pablo Carvajal< /dc:title >
< dc:date >2009-12-01 11:23:00< /dc:date >
< dc:format >< /dc:format >
< dc:language > en< /dc:language >
< dc:identifier >A-5-09< /dc:identifier >
< dc:description >Did the defendant abandon his luggage and thereby forfeit the right to object to its warrantless search by denying that he had any luggage when questioned by police?< /dc:description >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label=" justice " >
< dc:contributer >George T. Taite< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="" >< /rdfs:Class >
< dc:contributer >Frank J. Ducoat< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="1" >< /rdfs:Class >
< /rdf:Description >
< /rdf:RDF >