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< rdf:RDF >
< rdf:Description rdf:about="9015" >
< dc:title >Vasil Kovalcik v. Somerset County Prosecutor's Office< /dc:title >
< dc:date >2011-05-04 10:02:00< /dc:date >
< dc:format >< /dc:format >
< dc:language > en< /dc:language >
< dc:identifier >A-43-10P2< /dc:identifier >
< dc:description >Do records of a public employees coursework or training beyond those demonstrating the minimum job qualifications constitute personnel records that are exempt from disclosure as government records under the Open Public Records Act, NJSA 47 1A-1 to -13?< /dc:description >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label=" justice " >
< dc:contributer >Scott D. Rodgers< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="0" >< /rdfs:Class >
< dc:contributer >Jack J. Venturi< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="1" >< /rdfs:Class >
< /rdf:Description >
< /rdf:RDF >