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< rdf:RDF >
< rdf:Description rdf:about="9017" >
< dc:title >Dept. of Children and Families, DYFS v. T.B.< /dc:title >
< dc:date >2011-02-28 10:48:00< /dc:date >
< dc:format >< /dc:format >
< dc:language > en< /dc:language >
< dc:identifier >A-21-10< /dc:identifier >
< dc:description >When T.B. left her sleeping four-year-old son home alone for two to three hours one evening under the mistaken belief that T.B.'s mother, with whom they resided, was also home asleep, did T.B. commit an act of "neglect" requiring her name to remain on the Division's child abuse registry pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.11?< /dc:description >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label=" justice " >
< dc:contributer >Lynn e. Staufenberg< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="" >< /rdfs:Class >
< dc:contributer >Lauren F. Carlton< /dc:contributer >
< rdfs:Class rdfs:label="1" >< /rdfs:Class >
< /rdf:Description >
< /rdf:RDF >